Toward a symbiotic relationship with living beings.
Modern mankind has invented itself as something separate from nature. This distancing has fostered an exploitative mentality and less biodiversity. How, then, can we reinvent our relationship with other forms of life? How can we organize more equitable systems between human and non-human beings? How can we learn to better comprehend, appreciate, and respect living things? Must we create new artifacts and new relationship and communications protocols with animals and plants?
Let us explore the applications and methods that could help us create a sense of unity among living species that coexist and show respect to each other.
An alternative future trail based on an original idea by RF Studio, narrated by Jean Echenoz, author and produced by Adorable Studio.
With the participation of Ramy Fischler, designer and RF Studio founder ; Scott Longfellow, director of Bureau des Usages ; Marie-Angèle Hermitte, honorary research director at the CNRS ; François Bouteau, ecophysiologist, member of the interdisciplinary laboratory of tomorrow’s energies, University of Paris-Diderot ; Dominique Bourg, Philosopher and the kind contribution of Veolia and its employees: Frédéric Haas, director of communication Veolia Water – Hauts de France and Gregory Saunier, deputy CEO of Iléo.
Toward new ways of consuming.
Though our productive patterns have become essentially consumer-driven, the possession of objects has not managed to satisfy our quest for fulfillment. While it’s not a question of advocating frugality nor evading the natural human need to embark on new ventures, we are indeed in favor of looking ahead to a new rapport with objects and their consumption. This positive reinvention will take shape through a redefinition of our needs and how we produce them, with a respectful attitude toward the environment. Could we envision, faced with obsolescence, productive processes that are sustainable, replaceable, and scalable? What if waste were the future of resources? Would the comprehension and respect of material and product life cycles be sufficiently compelling to bring down the level of pollution?
From eco-design to open-source design, and entrepreneurship to consumer habits, let us explore new ways of making and consuming products.
An alternative future trail based on an original idea by RF Studio, narrated by Catherine Dufour, author an d produced by Adorable Studio.
With the participation of Ramy Fischler, designer and RF Studio founder ; Samuel Bernier, industrial designer, Antoine Asfar, engineer-entrepreneur, Dominique Bourg,… and the kind contribution of Leroy Merlin and his collaborators: Christophe Sapena, designer, Carole Boudeau, sociologist, Hélène Destombes, responsible for consumer studies , Olivier Lamblin, designer.
Toward a resurgence of the essential humanity of our bodies.
Twentieth-century imaginary visions focused on the evolution of bodies toward modification, augmentations, or sometimes even replacement through technology, in other words, transhumanism, moving us gradually away from what truly makes the body human. Faced with this vision of augmented mankind, would other perspectives not be more desirable?
Wouldn’t it be preferable to advocate the concept of further human fulfillment, with pride in what makes the essence of human nature? Shouldn’t advances in science and technology promote better health and longevity for all for the well-being of humans, rather than always amplifying higher performance? Shouldn’t we advocate for diversity, difference, and uniqueness as essential aspects of human beauty?
Will improved understanding of each human’s inner workings foster self-healing, distance medicine, or community health care? Henceforth, alternate futures are coming into focus for the human body.
An alternative future trail based on an original idea by RF Studio, narrated by Benjamin Abitan, author and produced by Adorable Studio.
With the participation of Ramy Fischler, designer and RF Studio founder ; Prof. Jacques Marescaux, professor of surgery, pioneer of robotic surgery and Sebastien Kochman Digital Artisan.
Toward a more collaborative society, for the common good.
Modern life has favored the satisfaction of individual needs, undermining the power of collective action. And yet, sharing and the pooling of resources has increased the value of our social, cultural, human, and economic capital. The current awakening to the challenges facing the human race and the evolution of technology have allowed for a reinvention of joint use: local supply networks, knowledge transmission, and the management of shared goods. Such are the many unavoidable choices to create a viable world of the future.
Henceforth, will we need to transform our ways of learning, transmitting knowledge, and staying informed? Will our habits and lifestyles widely adopt the pooling of goods and resources? Can theories of the Commons transform our certainties about private property? Will technology serve to amplify this movement? Through design, let us spread this shared momentum throughout everyday habits and usages.
An alternative future trail based on an original idea by RF Studio, narrated by Xabi Molia, author and produced by Adorable Studio.
With the participation of Ramy Fischler, designer and RF Studio founder ; Scott Longfellow, director of Bureau des usages at RF Studio ; Yves Citton, philosopher and essayist, and the kind contribution of Entreprises et Cités and his collaborators: Jean-Pierre Letartre, President of Entreprises et Cités and Sébastien Duprez, director of development, marketing & communication. Elvira Shvekher, Facilitator – Co-development course leader, Alex Marchal, Managing Director Batixis, Thierry Dujardin, Managing Director of Entreprises et Cités.
Toward a redefinition of the meaning of work.
In the face of generalized automation, work has gradually lost its primary meaning, sliding toward a set of tasks to be accomplished without added value nor understanding of the results. The presence of artificial intelligence on the machine side leads us even closer to a reconsideration of human work and its transformations.
Will we change what we spend our time on? Will commitment, a search for meaning and values, and cooperation, take part in reconnecting us to the world of work? Does our reconnection with the Earth and with a longer time scale not predict a new relationship with work? Will our measured mastery of technology generate new professions? Rather than imagining its end, let us explore new ways of working that may serve to reconcile individuals with groups, cities with the countryside, and salaried life with real passionate interests.
An alternative future trail, based on an original idea by RF Studio, narrated by Maylis de Kerangal, author and produced by Adorable Studio.
With the participation of Ramy Fischler, designer and RF Studio founder ; Jean-François Rial, CEO of Voyageurs du monde group, Tom Rial, market gardeners and entrepreneurs and Jean-Martin Fortier market gardener and writer.